
Request for yjaf microservice access

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Use this issue template if you do not feel comfortable raising a PR with the required changes to files in the terraform/ directory.

Please supply all the requested information, so that your request can be processed as quickly as possible.

Which MoJ repository/s are you requesting access to (e.g. money-to-prisoners)?

yjaf-cmm, yjsm-hub, yjsm-hubadmin, doc-gateway

What is the GitHub username of the person who needs access?


What is their full name?

Angela Site

What is their email address?

What company/organisation do they belong to (e.g. "Department for Education")?

YJAF (developer)

What level of access should they have?

  • Read
  • Triage
  • Write
  • Maintain
  • Admin

Why is this access being requested?

I need to perform development & support related actions on YJAF.

Which MoJ team/person is responsible for this request? This must be someone with a "" or "" email address.

This should be in the form Awesome Team <> or

Team details are preferred, rather than individuals, to make it easier to follow-up at a later date.

Review date

Date after which this collaborator's access should be reviewed. This should be a date in the format: 2021-01-15, no more than one year into the future.


Hello @angelanec there is no repo called doc-gateway, can you check this please?

Hello @angelanec you should now have access, sorry for the delay, we had some technical issues