
Kubernetes dashboard issue

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey admin

I am follow the guide install dashboard with creating self signed certs/key. https://github.com/minminmsn/k8s1.13/blob/master/kubernetes-dashboard-amd64/Kubernetes1.13.1部署Kuberneted-dashboard%20v1.10.1.md

after I created dashboard.crt dashboard.csr dashboard.key under /certs folder, still found the dashboard can't talked to API server(which also using self-signed certs, following https://github.com/minminmsn/k8s1.13/blob/master/kubernetes/kubernetes1.13.1%2Betcd3.3.10%2Bflanneld0.10集群部署.md).

I got below errors.

2019/05/07 12:31:12 Starting overwatch
2019/05/07 12:31:12 Using apiserver-host location:
2019/05/07 12:31:12 Skipping in-cluster config
2019/05/07 12:31:12 Using random key for csrf signing
2019/05/07 12:31:12 Error while initializing connection to Kubernetes apiserver. This most likely means that the cluster is misconfigured (e.g., it has invalid apiserver certificates or service account's configuration) or the --apiserver-host param points to a server that does not exist. Reason: Get x509: failed to load system roots and no roots provided
Refer to our FAQ and wiki pages for more information: https://github.com/kubernetes/dashboard/wiki/FAQ

could you help me on this? Thanks.

@henryon hello ,please refer to the link https://github.com/kubernetes/dashboard/issues/3472,may be can help you.