
Install path for nbtoc is wrong

untom opened this issue · 5 comments

Hi there::

In [1]: %install_ext https://rawgithub.com/minrk/ipython_extensions/master/extensions/nbtoc.py
Installed nbtoc.py. To use it, type:
  %load_ext nbtoc

In [2]: %load_ext nbtoc
Downloading https://raw.github.com/minrk/ipython_extensions/master/nbtoc.js to /home/tom/.config/ipython/extensions/nbtoc.js
HTTPError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-2-ddede4bd44dd> in <module>()

 [... snip...]

HTTPError: HTTP Error 404: Not Found

I'm assuming this is because the js-file was moved into the 'nbextensions' directory in the repo, but the download-path in nbtoc.py hasn't been updated yet to reflect this.

Indeed it has. I'm going to try to remove the Python component on this one, so it will be a js-only extension.

You could also simply change the path in py as a quick fix in the mean time -- because right now, people are not able to install the extension at all (at least not using the method outlined in the repo readme).


I've added toc.js, a fully Javascript toc extension, triggered by a button instead of a magic.

@minrk Thank you very much! This probably also closes #15