issues with TOC installation
edoson opened this issue · 3 comments
Just tried installing TOC extension on a mac book. didn't succeed. which custom.js file should I edit and where the TOC button should appear in the notebook?
I've added the line to the file in:
yet I see no TOC button.
I possibly have the same issue:
Added IPython.load_extensions('toc');
to ~/.ipython/<profile name>/static/custom/custom.js
and restarted the server but no TOC button.
EDIT: I see what it is from the source usage:
run %load_ext nbtoc (or add above with 'nbtoc' to custom.js) then %nbtob.
The TOC now displays OK.
To elaborate on what @andmalc said:
The TOC extension does not work as described in the README. When I load a notebook, I get this error in my browser console:
TypeError: IPython is undefined (toc.js:119)
However, downloading extensions/nbtoc.*
from this repository to ~/.ipython/<profile name>/extensions/
and then executing the following in the notebook:
%load_ext nbtoc
works for me. I'm running IPython 2.3.1.
I added to the README that the extensions should be loaded inside the app_initialized.NotebookApp handler. These extensions are only supported on latest master, and aren't supported on 2.x. They may still work, though.