
creating migration table: unable to open database file

devopsdymyr opened this issue · 6 comments

I have tried to create Dex in my aws kops kubernetes cluster with reference documentation
Issue from the step
helm install -n dex --namespace kube-system --values values-dex.yml charts/dex
Screenshot from 2019-09-15 15-52-50
Screenshot from 2019-09-15 15-53-51

@devopsdymyr see

This particular issue looks like a mis-configuration - it's actually an error from dex (not dex-k8s-auth).

I would not recommend using sqlite for storage - it's fine for devel but not for production (since you can't load-balance at that point).

If you are running dex inside a kubernetes cluster, I would recommend using

  type: kubernetes
    inCluster: true

If you want to continue with the sqlite solution, you would need to modify the dex helm chart and mount a volume to allow for /var/dex.db to be created.

Thanks @nabadger
can you provide me any documentation for setup dex in kops aws kubernetes with github integration
my email:

@devopsdymyr it's not something I've done sorry (I don't deploy on AWS or use kops).

I would suggest that blog you linked is pretty good - but would just try using the inCluster solution (that will at least fix your current issue).

@nabadger Thanks let me try that

@nabadger this issue is solved i have another issue please have look ticket 106

hey @nabadger if I want to continue with sqlite solution how will I proceed , can you please guide