Message Exchanger

This project is designed for exchanging messages.

Architecture of Web Application

The project consists of three parts:

  • MessageServer
  • MessageClient
  • Database


MessageServer is a WebAPI ASP.NET application. The architecture of the project is as follows:

  • Domain: Contains entities and repository interfaces.
  • Infrastructure: Contains implementations of repositories.
  • Application: Contains services.
  • MessageServer: Contains controllers and application configuration.


MessageClient is an ASP.NET MVC project. It represents a client for working with the server. There are three controllers, each representing a different client function:

  • Sender: Sends messages to the server.
  • Reader: Reads messages in real time using SignalR.
  • ReaderByDate: Reads messages from the server over a specified period of time.


The chosen database is PostgreSQL. If you want to change the database, you need to rewrite the queries in the MessageServer repository and modify the docker-compose file accordingly.

Running the Application

There is a docker-compose file that uses images from Docker Hub. You only need the docker-compose.yaml file and the initdb folder with the initial script for the database to run this application. Make sure the ports specified in the docker-compose.yaml file are available. If you run this application locally, you don't need to change the SignalRUrl in the MessageClient's appsettings.json file. However, if you want to deploy it on a remote machine, you need to update it with your host URL.