
🇦🇷 🛠 NPM library. Validation of Argentinian bank account numbers, IDs and phone numbers

Primary LanguageJavaScript


npm-version build-status download-count dev-deps Known Vulnerabilities

This is a JavaScript library that provides utility functions to do validations of Argentinian's document numbers, identification numbers and phones.


  1. Install nodejs (https://nodejs.org/en/download/).
  2. Run npm install --save arg.js.


// CBUs identify a bank account
var cbu = require('arg.js').cbu;
var valid = cbu.isValid('123'); // false

// CUITs identify a person or a company
var cuit = require('arg.js').cuit;
var valid = cuit.isValid('27361705039'); //true

// DNIs identify a person (including a foreigner living in Argentina)
var doc = require('arg.js').document;
var validDni = doc.isValidDni('36111222'); //true

// Phones will be returned with the country and area code
var phones = require('arg.js').phone;
var cleanPhone = phones.clean('1556623011', '11'); //+5491156623011

Build & tests & documentation

PRs are welcome!

  1. To run the tests run npm test.
  2. To build the documentation run gulp doc.
  3. To view the documentation go to docs/gen/index.html.