
Hi! got that Error when starting new campaign ^^

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Recorded Unhandled Exceptions:

  1. System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
    Parameter name: key
    at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument)
    at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add) at TaleWorlds.Core.PropertyOwner1.SetPropertyValue(T attribute, Int32 value)
    at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.HeroDeveloper.AddFocus(SkillObject skill, Int32 changeAmount, Boolean checkUnspentFocusPoints)
    at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.SandBox.CampaignBehaviors.Towns.CharacterDevelopmentCampaignBehaivor.DistributeUnspentFocusPoints(Hero hero)
    at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.SandBox.CampaignBehaviors.Towns.CharacterDevelopmentCampaignBehaivor.CampaignStart()
    at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.MbEvent.InvokeList(EventHandlerRec list)
    at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignEvents.OnNewGameCreated5()
    at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.CampaignEventDispatcher.OnNewGameCreated5()
    at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.OnNewGameCreated(CampaignGameStarter starter)
    at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.OnGameCreated(CampaignGameStarter gameStarter)
    at TaleWorlds.CampaignSystem.Campaign.DoLoadingForGameType(GameTypeLoadingStates gameTypeLoadingState, GameTypeLoadingStates& nextState)
    at StoryMode.CampaignStoryMode.DoLoadingForGameType(GameTypeLoadingStates gameTypeLoadingState, GameTypeLoadingStates& nextState)
    at TaleWorlds.Core.GameType.DoLoadingForGameType()
    at StoryMode.StoryModeGameManager.DoLoadingForGameManager(GameManagerLoadingSteps gameManagerLoadingStep, GameManagerLoadingSteps& nextStep)
    at TaleWorlds.Core.GameManagerBase.DoLoadingForGameManager()
    at TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.GameLoadingState.OnTick(Single dt)
    at TaleWorlds.Core.GameStateManager.OnTick(Single dt)
    at DMD<DMD<OnApplicationTick_Patch1>?1588383::OnApplicationTick_Patch1>(Module this, Single dt)
    at TaleWorlds.DotNet.Managed.ApplicationTick(Single dt)
    at DMD<DMD<Managed_ApplicationTick_Patch1>?8714086::Managed_ApplicationTick_Patch1>(Single dt)

Recorded First Chance Exceptions:
Recording disabled.

Modules Information:

  1. !DCC v1.0.0.228624
    DCC Main (Required) (!DCC)
  2. CharacterTrainer v1.0.11.228624
    Character Trainer (CharacterTrainer)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  3. CombatModCollection v1.4.0.228624
    Combat Mod Collection (CombatModCollection)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. StoryMode
    5. CustomBattle
  4. CommunityPatch v0.0.2.228624
    Community Patch (CommunityPatch)
  5. CultureChanger v1.0.0.228624
    Culture Changer (CultureChanger)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  6. CustomBattle e1.3.1.228624 Selected
    CustomBattle (CustomBattle) Official
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
  7. CustomTroopUpgrades v0.3.2.228624
    Custom Troop Upgrade And Replacer Mod (CustomTroopUpgrades)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  8. DistinguishedService v1.0.0.228624
    Distinguished Service (Debug)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. StoryMode
  9. DeveloperConsole v1.3.2.228624
    Developer Console (DeveloperConsole)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  10. DiplomacyFixes v1.1.2.228624
    Diplomacy Fixes (DiplomacyFixes)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  11. DistinguishedService v1.0.0.228624
    Distinguished Service (DistinguishedService)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. StoryMode
  12. EditLord v1.4.7.228624
    Edit Lord (EditLord)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  13. EquipmentUpgrader v1.0.2.228624
    EquipmentUpgrader (EquipmentUpgrader)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  14. HealthRebalance v1.1.0.228624
    Health Rebalance (HealthRebalance)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. StoryMode
  15. ImprovedGarrisons v3.0.4.2
    Improved Garrisons (ImprovedGarrisons)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  16. KingdomColor v1.4.0.228624
    KingdomColor (KingdomColor)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  17. MBFastDialogue v2.4.0.228624
    MBFastDialogue (MBFastDialogue)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  18. ModLib v1.3.4.228624
    ModLib (ModLib)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  19. MoreTroops v1.1.0.228624
    Complete Troop Overhaul (MoreTroops)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. StoryMode
  20. Native e1.3.1.228624 Selected
    Native (Native) Official
  21. NPCRevamp v9.0.0.228624
    NPC Revamp (NPCRevamp)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  22. DistinguishedService v1.0.0.228624
    Distinguished Service (other)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. StoryMode
  23. PersistentLock v1.0.0.228624
    Persistent Lock (PersistentLock)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  24. RealisticBattle v1.1.2.228624
    Realistic Battle with more armor (RealisticBattle)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  25. Sandbox e1.3.1.228624 Selected
    Sandbox (SandBox) Official
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
  26. SandBoxCore e1.3.1.228624 Selected
    SandBox Core (SandBoxCore) Official
    1. Native
  27. Separatism v0.4.4.228624
    Separatism (Separatism)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  28. StoryMode e1.3.1.228624 Selected
    StoryMode (StoryMode) Official
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
  29. Telepathy v0.3.1.228624
    Telepathy (Telepathy)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  30. zCulturedStart v1.1.10.228624
    zCulturedStart (zCulturedStart)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  31. zExpandedBandits v0.0.9.228624
    zExpandedBandits (zExpandedBandits)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
  32. zzBannerlordTweaks v1.3.4.228624
    Bannerlord Tweaks (zzBannerlordTweaks)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode
    6. ModLib
  33. zzCharacterCreation v1.1.2.228624
    Detailed Character Creation (zzCharacterCreation)
    1. Native
    2. SandBoxCore
    3. Sandbox
    4. CustomBattle
    5. StoryMode

Community Patch Information:

  1. ItemComparisonColorPatch Active Applicable Applied
  2. LearningRateExplainerPatch Active Applicable Applied
  3. LordConversationsCampaignBehaviorPatch Active Applied
  4. MapFactionLogicLoopPatch
  5. MaxFoodVarietyPartyMoralePatch
  6. NeutralClanTierUpPatch Active Applicable Applied
  7. ProsperousReignPatch Active Applicable Applied
  8. LandGrantsForVeteransPatch
  9. DisciplinarianPatch
  10. AgrarianPatch Active Applied
  11. AgriculturePatch Active Applicable Applied
  12. AssessorPatch Active Applicable Applied
  13. BannerlordPatch
  14. EnhancedMinesPatch Active Applicable Applied
  15. FoodRationingPatch
  16. LogisticsExpertPatch Active Applicable Applied
  17. ManAtArmsPatch
  18. NourishSettlementPatch
  19. ProminencePatch Active Applicable Applied
  20. ReconstructionPatch Active Applicable Applied
  21. ReevePatch Active Applicable Applied
  22. RulerPatch Active Applicable Applied
  23. SwordsAsTributePatch
  24. TaxCollectorPatch Active Applicable Applied
  25. SupremeAuthorityPatch Active Applicable Applied
  26. WarmongerPatch Active Applicable Applied
  27. WarRationsPatch Active Applicable Applied
  28. BowExpertPatch Active Applicable Applied
  29. ConroiPatch
  30. CrossbowExpert Active Applicable Applied
  31. FilledToBrimPatch Active Applicable Applied
  32. SpareArrowsPatch Active Applicable Applied
  33. SpareThrowingWeapon Active Applicable Applied
  34. SquiresPatch
  35. ExtraArrowsPatch Active Applicable Applied
  36. ExtraThrowingWeapons Active Applicable Applied
  37. PeakFormPatch Active Maybe Applicable Applied
  38. HealthyScoutPatch Active Maybe Applicable Applied
  39. BattleReadyPatch Active Applicable Applied
  40. FullyArmedPatch Active Applicable Applied
  41. CrossbowCavalryPerkPatch Active Applicable Applied
  42. BattleEquippedPatch Active Applicable Applied
  43. BowMountedArcherPatch Active Applicable Applied
  44. LargeQuiverPatch Active Applicable Applied

Loaded SubModules:

  1. TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.View.ViewSubModule, TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.View, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  2. TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.GauntletUI.GauntletUISubModule, TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.GauntletUI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  3. TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.CustomBattle.CustomBattleSubModule, TaleWorlds.MountAndBlade.CustomBattle, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  4. SandBox.SandBoxSubModule, SandBox, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  5. SandBox.View.SandBoxViewSubModule, SandBox.View, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  6. SandBox.GauntletUI.SandBoxGauntletUISubModule, SandBox.GauntletUI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  7. StoryMode.StoryModeSubModule, StoryMode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  8. StoryMode.View.StoryModeViewSubModule, StoryMode.View, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  9. StoryMode.GauntletUI.StoryModeGauntletUISubModule, StoryMode.GauntletUI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  10. ModLib.ModLibSubModule, ModLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  11. ModLib.Patches.ModLibPatchesSubModule, ModLib.Patches, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  12. CharacterCreation.SubModule, CharacterCreation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  13. MBOptionScreen.MBOptionScreenSubModule, MBOptionScreen, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  14. CommunityPatch.CommunityPatchSubModule, CommunityPatch, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  15. CustomTroopUpgrades.CustomTroopUpgradesCore, CustomTroopUpgrades, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  16. DistinguishedService.SubModule, DistinguishedService, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  17. HealthRebalance.CustomCharacterStatsMain, HealthRebalance, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  18. CharacterTrainer.SubModule, CharacterTrainer, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  19. CultureChanger.Main, CultureChanger, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  20. DeveloperConsole.SubModule, DeveloperConsole, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  21. DiplomacyFixes.MySubModule, DiplomacyFixes, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  22. MBOptionScreen.MBOptionScreenSubModuleV2010, MBOptionScreen.v2.0.10, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  23. EditLord.Main, EditLord, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  24. EquipmentUpgrader.EquipmentUpgraderSubModule, EquipmentUpgrader, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  25. ImprovedGarrisons.Main, ImprovedGarrisons, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  26. KingdomColor.KingdomColorModule, KingdomColor, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  27. MBFastDialogue.FastDialogueSubModule, MBFastDialogue, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  28. PersistentLock.SubModule, PersistentLock, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  29. Separatism.SeparatismSubModule, Separatism, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  30. Telepathy.TelepathySubModule, Telepathy, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  31. zCulturedStart.SubModule, zCulturedStart, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  32. BannerlordTweaks.SubModule, BannerlordTweaks, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  33. CombatModCollection.SubModule, CombatModCollection, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
  34. RealisticBattle.Main, RealisticBattle, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

System Info:
gpu: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9600K CPU @ 3.70GHz

GPU Memory: 11127MB
GC Allocated: 129218048B
Engine Memory Used: 0MB
GC Latency Mode: Client Interactive
GC LOH Compact Mode: Default
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10.0.18363
Framework Compatibility: .NET Framework 4.8.4121.0
Hardware Accelerated Vector: Yes
Vector Size: 256 bits
CPU Info:
1. Intel Core i5-9600K with 6 cores:
1. (?) MHz (?) °C
2. (?) MHz (?) °C
3. (?) MHz (?) °C
4. (?) MHz (?) °C
5. (?) MHz (?) °C
6. (?) MHz (?) °C

Got that if it's help

You do realise that half the mods that you have listed are not compatible with Stable version 1.3.1 and BETA 1.4.0 ?
For example:

!DCC v1.0.0.228624
DCC Main (Required) (!DCC)
CharacterTrainer v1.0.11.228624
and COmmunity Patch

REMOVE every single mod out of your modules folder. Do not disable it, it must be taken out of the modules folder.
Add only Modlib and BannerlordTweaks, configure it correctly. Start your game and start a clean new campaign.

I tested beta 1.4.0 and stable 1.3.1 and 1.3.0, all works perfectly.

oh ok il'l see to that thx for the tip

mipen commented

The original error is a duplicate of #106. Fixed in commit 7b196c9 for base version and f1d7213 for beta version.