
Allegro memory requirements?

yzjin opened this issue · 11 comments

yzjin commented

I have a similar issue with this previous issue of nequip(mir-group/nequip#293), but I'm only using allegro so I'm not sure if it's the case. I have a 2000 configuration dataset, each with ~600 atoms with pbc, in the npz format. However, the preprocessing effort always failed with OOM error on the CPU side, even if I increased my CPU memory to 160GB. The network size I'm using is also way smaller than the suggested values, and I'm only using a cutoff of 4 Angstroms. What other parameters should I try to tune?

Hi @yzjin ,

Thanks for your interest in our codes!

Do you have a lot of CPU cores, or a strangely set up environment in how it reports CPU cores? By default, NequIP will take all available cores (https://github.com/mir-group/nequip/blob/main/nequip/utils/multiprocessing.py#L18) which could really drive up the memory requirement. You could quickly try the preprocessing with, say, NEQUIP_NUM_TASKS=4 nequip-benchmark myconfig.yaml to see if that helps.

Does it fail quickly or after a long time? I agree that this should not OOM at first glance, so I'm not sure what the issue could be. Do your systems have significant amounts of vacuum? ASE has been known to choke on OOM with large vacuum in the system.

Can you post a full stack trace when it fails?

yzjin commented

Thank you for your help!

  1. I set the visible CPUs to 8 to speed it up, is it a number too large? I could try to reduce it.
  2. It failed after a long time (~2hrs) so it's confusing. I am running under a slurm environment so I don't know about the details on my running node :( All I have is the following output: slurmstepd: error: Detected 1 oom-kill event(s) in StepId=4184878.batch cgroup. Some of your processes may have been killed by the cgroup out-of-memory handler.

Hm... can you try without setting NUM_TASKS but using only a small subset of your data, for example 64 or 32 frames (one per core)? We can then look at the preprocessed data (assuming it succeeds) to see how big it is, if something anomalous is happening, etc.

One other thing important to check is whether your periodic boundary conditions and cell are correct: if they aren't, you could be wrapping all your atoms into a very small space by accident and creating extremely dense and wrong systems.

yzjin commented

I think there's something anomalous happening -- I set the number of frames to an even smaller number (20 frames) and use limits the num_tasks to 4, and the preprocessing requires more than half an hour, which is the upper limit I set for this task. I believe there's something wrong with the PBC, because once I remove the PBC the preprocessing can be done pretty easily. What is the correct format for the PBC data? I am using the npz format and currently the pbc field is just an array with array([ True, True, True]). I converted all my units into the LAMMPS metal style as well.

That sounds like maybe you forgot to convert the units on your cell, and have a massive vacuum? If I remember right ASE has had massive memory issues with systems with a lot of vacuum.

yzjin commented

I set my cell to be a 3x3 matrix like this:

[[18.,  0.        ,  0.        ],
[ 0.        , 30. ,  0.        ],
[ 0.        ,  0.        , 14.]]

And the min and max for all my coordinates are about 0 and slightly less than the cell length on each dimension. It seems like the units should be correct. Did I violate any assumptions here? I am not familiar with the assumptions of the ASE.

Hm... this looks correct to me yes. Half an hour is extreme for 20 frames. Let me check if I still have code for an option alternative neighborlist, we can see if that resolves the issue?

yzjin commented

Sure, thank you! For reference, I will just paste my whole yaml file below.

# This file serves as a starting example input file for Allegro
# For a full, detailed set of general training+dataset options see configs/full.yaml in the NequIP repo: 
# https://github.com/mir-group/nequip/blob/main/configs/full.yaml
# This file additionally documents the Allegro-specific options

# general

# Two folders will be used during the training: 'root'/process and 'root'/'run_name'
# run_name contains logfiles and saved models
# process contains processed data sets
# if 'root'/'run_name' exists, 'root'/'run_name'_'year'-'month'-'day'-'hour'-'min'-'s' will be used instead.
root: results/my_test
run_name: my_test_pbc

# model initialization seed
seed: 123456

# data set seed, determines which data to sample from file
dataset_seed: 654321

# set true if a restarted run should append to the previous log file
append: true

# type of float to use, e.g. float32 and float64
default_dtype: float32

# -- network --
# tell nequip which modules to build
 - allegro.model.Allegro
 # the typical model builders from `nequip` can still be used:
 - PerSpeciesRescale
 - ForceOutput
 - RescaleEnergyEtc

# radial cutoff in length units
r_max: 4.0

# average number of neighbors in an environment is used to normalize the sum, auto precomputed it automitcally 
avg_num_neighbors: auto

# radial basis
# set true to train the bessel roots
BesselBasis_trainable: true

# p-parameter in envelope function, as proposed in Klicpera, J. et al., arXiv:2003.03123 
# sets it BOTH for the RadialBasisProjection AND the Allegro_Module
PolynomialCutoff_p: 6  

# symmetry
# maximum order l to use in spherical harmonics embedding, 1 is basedline (fast), 2 is more accurate, but slower, 3 highly accurate but slow
l_max: 1

# whether to include E(3)-symmetry / parity
# allowed: o3_full, o3_restricted, so3
parity: o3_full  

# number of tensor product layers, 1-3 usually best, more is more accurate but slower
num_layers: 1

# number of features, more is more accurate but slower, 1, 4, 8, 16, 64, 128 are good options to try depending on data set
env_embed_multiplicity: 1

# whether or not to embed the initial edge, true often works best
embed_initial_edge: true

# hidden layer dimensions of the 2-body embedding MLP
two_body_latent_mlp_latent_dimensions: [32, 64]
# nonlinearity used in the 2-body embedding MLP
two_body_latent_mlp_nonlinearity: silu
# weight initialization of the 2-body embedding MLP
two_body_latent_mlp_initialization: uniform

# hidden layer dimensions of the latent MLP
# these MLPs are cheap if you have have large l/env_embed_multiplicity, so a good place to put model capacity if you can afford it
# only if you are in the ultra-fast/scalable regime, make these smaller
latent_mlp_latent_dimensions: [64]

# nonlinearity used in the latent MLP
latent_mlp_nonlinearity: silu

# weight initialization of the latent MLP
latent_mlp_initialization: uniform

# whether to use a resnet update in the scalar latent latent space, true works best usually
latent_resnet: true

# hidden layer dimensions of the environment embedding mlp, none work best (will build a single linear layer)
env_embed_mlp_latent_dimensions: []

# nonlinearity used in the environment embedding mlp
env_embed_mlp_nonlinearity: null

# weight initialzation of the environment embedding mlp
env_embed_mlp_initialization: uniform

# - end allegro layers -

# Final MLP to go from Allegro latent space to edge energies:

# hidden layer dimensions of the per-edge energy final MLP
edge_eng_mlp_latent_dimensions: [32]

# nonlinearity used in the per-edge energy final MLP
edge_eng_mlp_nonlinearity: null

# weight initialzation in the per-edge energy final MLP
edge_eng_mlp_initialization: uniform

# -- data --
# there are two options to specify a dataset, npz or ase
# npz works with npz files, ase can ready any format that ase.io.read can read
# IMPORTANT: in most cases working with the ase option and an extxyz file is by far the simplest way to do it and we strongly recommend using this
# simply provide a single extxyz file that contains the structures together with energies and forces (generated with ase.io.write(atoms, format='extxyz', append=True))
# for a simple snippet to do this, see the gists here: https://github.com/simonbatzner

# npz option
dataset: npz                                                                       # type of data set, can be npz or ase
dataset_file_name: ../prepared_data/prepared_data_pbc.npz                         # path to data set file
  z: atomic_numbers                                                                # atomic species, integers
  E: total_energy                                                                  # total potential eneriges to train to
  F: forces                                                                        # atomic forces to train to
  R: pos                                                                           # raw atomic positions
npz_fixed_field_keys:                                                              # fields that are repeated across different examples
  - atomic_numbers
  - pbc
# ase option
# dataset: ase
# dataset_file_name: filename.extxyz
# ase_args:
#   format: extxyz

# A mapping of chemical species to type indexes is necessary if the dataset is provided with atomic numbers instead of type indexes.
  C: 0
  H: 1

# logging
# whether to use weight and biases (see wandb.ai)
wandb: false

# project name in wandb
wandb_project: mytest

# the same as python logging, e.g. warning, info, debug, error. case insensitive
verbose: info

# training
# number of training samples to use
n_train: 20

# number of validation samples to use
n_val: 10

# batch size, we found it important to keep this small for most applications including forces (1-5); for energy-only training, higher batch sizes work better
batch_size: 2

# stop training after _ number of epochs, we set a very large number here, it won't take this long in practice and we will use early stopping instead
max_epochs: 1000000

# learning rate, we found values between 0.002 and 0.0005 to work best - this is often one of the most important hyperparameters to tune
learning_rate: 0.001

# can be random or sequential. if sequential, first n_train elements are training, next n_val are val, else random, usually random is the right choice
train_val_split: random

# If true, the data loader will shuffle the data, almost always a good idea
shuffle: true

# metrics used for scheduling and saving best model. Options: `set`_`quantity`, set can be either "train" or "validation, "quantity" can be loss or anything that appears in the validation batch step header, such as f_mae, f_rmse, e_mae, e_rmse
metrics_key: validation_loss

# use an exponential moving average of the weights
# if true, use exponential moving average on weights for val/test, usually helps a lot with training, in particular for energy errors
use_ema: true

# ema weight, typically set to 0.99 or 0.999
ema_decay: 0.99

# whether to use number of updates when computing averages
ema_use_num_updates: true

# loss function
# different weights to use in a weighted loss functions
# if you use peratommseloss, then this is already in a per-atom normalized space (both E/F are per-atom quantities)
# in that case, 1:1 works best usually
  forces: 1.
    - 1.
    - PerAtomMSELoss

# optimizer
# default optimizer is Adam 
optimizer_name: Adam
  amsgrad: false
  betas: !!python/tuple
  - 0.9
  - 0.999
  eps: 1.0e-08
  weight_decay: 0.

# lr scheduler, drop lr if no improvement for 50 epochs
# on-plateau, reduce lr by factory of lr_scheduler_factor if metrics_key hasn't improved for lr_scheduler_patience epoch
lr_scheduler_name: ReduceLROnPlateau
lr_scheduler_patience: 50
lr_scheduler_factor: 0.5

# early stopping if max 1 days is reached or lr drops below 1e-5 or no improvement on val loss for 100 epochs
  cumulative_wall: 86400.

  LR: 1.0e-5

  validation_loss: 100

Oh, hold on--- sorry, I completely missed that you are using the NPZ format, and not the extXYZ format through ASE.

In your config I don't see any key mapping for cell, is it already included under that name in your data? What is its dimension, and if it is [3, 3], I think it should be a fixed field.

Please note that neighborlist calculations for NPZ are not parallelized, so the above stuff about num tasks can be ignored.

In general, we recommend the extXYZ input format for almost all circumstances; might be worth trying to see if that resolves your issues?

yzjin commented

Yes, the key cell is already included under that name under my data, with the size of [n_frames, 3, 3]. I can try to manually convert my data into extXYZ input format to see if it makes a difference.

yzjin commented

Problem solved -- transforming the data into extXYZ solves the problem. Thank you so much for your timely help and advice, I really appreciate it!