
LOAD_PATH equivalent and separation of assets

fgimian opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello there,

I have noticed a problem and limitation with django-assets which I'm hoping you can help me with.

Limitation: I would like to store my assets in an "assets" directory and generate output in the usual STATIC_ROOT directory. With flask-assets, this could be done by using the ASSETS_LOAD_PATH config item, is there a way to do this with Django?

Problem: The collectstatic command also collects the original asset source code into my final static directory. Django Compressor uses the following workaround to prevent this:

from compressor.utils import staticfiles
from compressor.storage import CompressorFileStorage

class CompressorFinder(staticfiles.finders.BaseStorageFinder):
    A staticfiles finder that looks in COMPRESS_ROOT
    for compressed files, to be used during development
    with staticfiles development file server or during
    storage = CompressorFileStorage

    def list(self, ignore_patterns):
        return []

An empty list is returned for the list command.

Please let me know your thoughts :)