
Feature Request: Trigger snapshots in parallel

Opened this issue · 4 comments

d-shi commented

I have added backup annotations to 5 PVCs in my cluster, and it seems that right now snapshots are triggered one at a time, and one must complete before the next one is started. Can we have all 5 start at the same time?

Also as an aside, it would be nice if I could trigger snapshots are a certain time, like cron based snapshotting, so that volumes in a distributed system would get snapshotted as close to the same time as possible.

They could be done at the same time, I think there isn't any particular reason why they shouldn't be.

For snapshotting volumes at the same time, I wonder whether we shouldn't introduce some kind of grouping concept, especially if based on the SnapshoRule third party object. We could just say, "great these 4 disks as a group" and snapshot and expire them at the same time.

d-shi commented

Sure that would be great! Some people might still want to control the time of day that snapshots are triggered to try and minimize performance impact.

+1 for snapshot grouping!
We have bunch of ElasticSearch disks that we would to backup/expire as a group.

can we res this? it would be great.