
Add support for Tidal

MoroseCorpse opened this issue · 2 comments

I have a suggestion that you could add. It would be very nice if your tool would also support the streaming service Tidal, as this is also used by a lot of people

Great idea, I've just recently discovered https://github.com/yaronzz/Tidal-Media-Downloader which might be a good alternative for now. Although freyr could certainly extend itself to support tidal.

Currently, the best API interface to tidal that I've seen so far is https://github.com/tamland/python-tidal which is in python.

So, freyr would need to complete #21 for it to support this. Just like in #6.

However, that library directly requires users to provide private credentials like their username and password which, I can assume, some users might not be comfortable with.

This should "preferrably" be an oauth2 login.

So, until tehkillerbee/mopidy-tidal#27 is merged into python-tidal (as suggested here tehkillerbee/mopidy-tidal#27 (comment)), freyr would hold back supporting this

Another thing to note is freyr doesn't currently support downloading feeds from non-youtube sources, although technically, it's modular enough to easily support it. But the postprocessor isn't configured to output anything other than m4a.

Would gladly welcome any PRs to work on this.