
Translate and document the SQL Parser.

Opened this issue · 7 comments

Please translate and document at least the SQL parser part of Mirage.

It looks like a very interesting functionality that might have use in many projects.

Thank you very much.


What kind of document do you need?
For example, SQL syntax which is supported in Mirage? or How to extend SQL syntax?

What kind of document do you need?

The JavaDocs of the parser classes in English please.
Also since the parser is hand made (not generated from a grammar), a little more explanation would be helpful.

SQL syntax which is supported in Mirage?

That would be very useful.

or How to extend SQL syntax?

This would be even better :).

Thanks in advance.

The JavaDocs of the parser classes in English please.
Also since the parser is hand made (not generated from a grammar), a little more explanation would be helpful.

OK, I'll make effort to fill Javadoc.

SQL syntax which is supported in Mirage?

See the following page about syntax:


Please translate and document at least the SQL parser part of Mirage.


It looks like a very interesting functionality that might have use in many projects.

true. we use that part quite allot to avoid the PreparedStatement#setXXX(int, XXX) horrible inflexible and very error prone syntax.


SQL syntax which is supported in Mirage?

See the following page about syntax:

that's very useful, and we were using it from day one.

or How to extend SQL syntax?

we would need that very much: would like to extend the statements with some formatted headers. since we have so many statements now, it's hard to differentiate them only by the file name, so would like to put that metadata there and parse it too.



+1 any news regarding the docs?