
Include more information in the README.

Opened this issue · 5 comments

It would be good to refresh the Readme quite soon if possible. :)

Would anyone have time to look at this? @djs55 @yomimono @avsm

avsm commented

What would you like in the README? The library isn't really intended for end users just yet.

Maybe we could do some README Mad-libs (I think this is Consequences in BrE?): https://github.com/ddbeck/readme-checklist/blob/master/checklist.md

The README should, IMO:

  • include more information on what is implemented in tcpip currently and what is not.
  • have a map including information on how complicated bits of code like TCP are structured (I have a map that I drew in crayon that I refer to when I need to think about this library a lot).
  • include the relevant caveats about (e.g.) IP fragmentation, delayed/selective ACKs, no loopback, etc, as well as roadmap information highlighting what it would be helpful for people to work on next.
  • point at projects that are built on top of tcpip like charrua-core.
  • have a list of features we don't intend to work on or merge.
  • contain pointers to relevant other implementations like functional arp.
  • contain an explanation of the testing infrastructure - unit, vnetif, unikernel, and mirage-www if we restore it.

@talex5 , I think I remember you saying this project needed a better README - is there anything specific that you felt was missing?

A code example showing how to use it (with and without the mirage tool) would be very useful.