
Arithmetic overflow in set_len

Closed this issue · 4 comments

set_len should

@raise Invalid_argument if [len] exceeds the size of the buffer.


# Cstruct.(set_len ((sub (create 10) 5 5)) max_int );;
- : Cstruct.t = {Cstruct.buffer = <abstr>; off = 5; len = 4611686018427387903}

More dramatic illustration:

# Cstruct.(blit (create 0xfffff) 0 (set_len ((sub (create 10) 5 5)) max_int ) 0 0xfffff);;
Segmentation fault
avsm commented

with #164 this should be now raising an exception in check_bounds

Cstruct.(set_len ((sub (create 10) 5 5)) max_int );;
Exception: Invalid_argument "Cstruct.set_len [5,5](10) 4611686018427387903".                                                                                           

Adding a test case...

avsm commented

And the second case:

Cstruct.(blit (create 0xfffff) 0 (set_len ((sub (create 10) 5 5)) max_int ) 0 0xfffff);;
Exception: Invalid_argument "Cstruct.set_len [5,5](10) 4611686018427387903"

Closing as fixed. (The fix relies on the fact that adding two positive numbers cannot overflow and produce a positive number.)

avsm commented

Thanks @yallop! Fix will be in 3.1.0