
Releasing a version of ember-cli-mirage

cah-brian-gantzler opened this issue ยท 17 comments

This issue covers questions on how a release of ember-cli-mirage is performed.

I watched the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IeKNE_ERadY. Very Helpful.

I looked over the travis config, ember-cli-deploy config and I think I pieced together all the things that are happening (wanted to know more behind the scenes to apply these things to my own repos)

When I go to https://www.ember-cli-mirage.com/versions/master/ I get the below error in the console and the page does not work for the master branch only. All other versions work. Do you see this error? does the page work for you? Dont want to release a broken docs page


Hm good catch! Merging some of the Dependabot PRs, lets see if any of the dependency updates fixes the problem. If not I'm guessing it's related to ember data / fastboot weirdness.

K, Ill check the docs in a few hours and see if the same issue is happening

unfortunately still getting the above error on the master branch

will take another look today, next release is going to be major so we can bump all these deps. Only breaking change will be node 8.

Ok updates are all passing on travis but master is still broken, I think the next step would be to upgrade addon docs.

Here's the PR, it's failing right now: #2023

So that would be the next thing to investigate

Here's AD changelog: https://github.com/ember-learn/ember-cli-addon-docs/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md

Maybe we need to bump Ember Source but don't know without looking into it more.

Weird that its only failing on 3.18. I will take a look and see if I can find the problem.

Any thoughts on removing the acceptance test since its not testing the app but instead testing that the docs show? This addon supports 2.18, but addon docs no longer does.

Yeah, or is there a way to get it to only run unversioned? Only on the latest ember (the one from package.json)? That test has definitely helped a few times

I am unaware of a way to conditionally run a test like that

Even with the addon docs updates now, master is still a broken docs. I dont see what the problem is. Should I go ahead with attempting the release and just hope its a master branch only thing?

Hm I would say it'd be best to get it working, otherwise I think the site will be broken as soon as we publish.

Is it a lockfile thing? Maybe you just need to re-generate the lockfile. Or pin ember to a certain version in package.json.

Not sure how to test and find the problem. The master branch docs work fine locally, its only on the website that it doesnt work. To test that I have to have PR merged in order to see the results. Any idea how else to test it?

Oh - but didn't we merge the pr? So isn't master on prod the same as master in the repo?

The build that is being served on https://www.ember-cli-mirage.com/versions/master/ is here, so you could check out the gh-pages branch, cd into that directory and run python -m SimpleHTTPServer to see if the problem also happens on your comp. If it does you could try ember build then same thing to go from dev to prod to see if you can reproduce.

K, will try that.

TLDR Upgrade ember-cli-addon-docs to latest release. #2081

So the gh-pages fails when selecting master, no surprise there, I am not real familiar with publishing ember-cli-addon-docs.

so from the master branch I did an ember build then I think you wanted me to do an ember deploy production. That didnt work, I tried several things, they all resulted in the same error. Reading the ember-cli-docs, the master branch isnt tagged, so I create a branch off master called docs-test and the addon docs said it would create a version off the name of my branch, still same error. It errors really quickly with the follow:

Deploying [๐Ÿš€ -------] 13% [plugin: addon-docs -> setup]Error: Command failed with exit code 1: git fetch --all Error: Command failed with exit code 1: git fetch --all at makeError (/Users/brian.gantzler/source-personal/ember-cli-mirage/node_modules/ember-cli-addon-docs/node_modules/execa/lib/error.js:56:11) at handlePromise (/Users/brian.gantzler/source-personal/ember-cli-mirage/node_modules/ember-cli-addon-docs/node_modules/execa/index.js:114:26) at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)Pipeline aborted

Since im unfamiliar with the process of creating the addon docs site, not sure where to go from here.

I then went back and checked out the commit on the gh-pages branch that was the publish of 1.1.8 and the master version of the gh-pages worked, I then went through every commit to see where it broke and it broke on the very first commit of gh-pages after 1.1.8 which would be this commit 4240f6f which really has nothing to do with it, but selecting the master version of the addon docs has been broken since then.

The one that worked was on 8/6 the one that failed was on 8/10 which leads me to this issue I opened on 8/7 ember-cli/ember-fetch#547

We had a dependabot update for addon docs to 0.8.0 and hoped that would fix it, but that was released 8/1 and 0.9.0 was released 8/10 that fixed this issue. https://github.com/ember-learn/ember-cli-addon-docs/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#v090-2020-08-10 Dependabot has not submitted a request to update addon docs since then, not sure why

v2.0.0 has been released now ๐ŸŽ‰

Thanks again!