
Can not build master branch

cah-brian-gantzler opened this issue · 1 comments

In prep for creating a PR I updated my forks master branch. However once doing so I am not longer able to build. I get the below. A couple of warnings sure, but no real idea on the actual last line errror

WARNING: The Ember Classic edition has been deprecated. Speciying "classic" in your package.json, or not specifying a value at all, will no longer be supported. You must explicitly set the "ember.edition" property to "octane". This warning will become an error in Ember 4.0.0.

For more information, see the deprecation guide: https://deprecations.emberjs.com/v3.x/#toc_editions-classic
WARNING: Setting the `application-template-wrapper` optional feature flag to `true`, or not providing a setting at all, has been deprecated. You must add the `@ember/optional-features` addon and set this feature to `false`. You can also run `npx @ember/octanify` to do this. This warning will become an error in Ember 4.0.0.

For more information, see the deprecation guide: https://deprecations.emberjs.com/v3.x/#toc_optional-feature-application-template-wrapper
WARNING: Setting the `template-only-glimmer-components` optional feature flag to `false`, or not providing a setting at all, has been deprecated. You must add the `@ember/optional-features` addon and set this feature to `true`. You can also run `npx @ember/octanify` to do this. This warning will become an error in Ember 4.0.0.

For more information, see the deprecation guide: https://deprecations.emberjs.com/v3.x/#toc_optional-feature-template-only-glimmer-components
WARNING: Setting the `jquery-integration` optional feature flag to `true`, or not providing a setting at all, has been deprecated. You must add the `@ember/optional-features` addon and set this feature to `false`. This warning will become an error in Ember 4.0.0.

For more information, see the deprecation guide: https://deprecations.emberjs.com/v3.x/#toc_optional-feature-jquery-integration
Environment: development
The "data" argument must be of type string or an instance of Buffer, TypedArray, or DataView. Received undefined


Appears that this is the error you get for Node 14.15.1. Node sure what is the node 14 incompatibility. Switching to node 12 allows a build