
Why is WIFI_SSID needed?

Closed this issue · 3 comments

"--wifi-ssid WIFI_SSID
The ESSID of the WiFi network the device should eventually connect to."

I actually don't see any reason why the Sonoff device should need connect to the home WIFI.
Which eventuality is meant here?

That's how the Sonoff downloads the new firmware, SonOTA tells the Sonoff "connect to this WiFi, and download updates from here" (where here is a web server running on your PC).

Ok, I thought for that the ITEAD-* network is used.

Are the different files (image_user1-0x01000.bin, ...) downloaded using different networks?

Check out the sections under https://github.com/mirko/SonOTA#update-steps - this outlines what each bit is doing, and further down some more details.