
Install problem on Debian: where is mogwai-smartstart-1.1.jar ?

johnsutton opened this issue · 0 comments

Please ignore, I'm an idiot.

Dear Mirko

I'm installing on a Debian 10 system.

$ git clone https://github.com/mirkosertic/MogwaiERDesignerNG.git
$ cd MogwaiERDesignerNG
$ bash run64.sh
Error: Could not find or load main class de.mogwai.smartstart.SmartStart
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: de.mogwai.smartstart.SmartStart

run64.sh refers to ./lib/mogwai-smartstart-1.1.jar but I cannot see either a lib directory or any file called mogwai-smartstart-1.1.jar in the git clone?

Thanks for your excellent code, I've been using it for years but in the past have downloaded and used a jar file like this:

java -jar mogwai-erdesignerng-3.0.0-M9-SNAPSHOT-standard.jar

rather than doing a git clone.

Sorry to be a fool, if that is what I am!

Best regards