
improve OpenXava export: schema, export views

aisbergde opened this issue · 0 comments

The export to OpenXava is great! Here are some feature-requests how to improve:

  • suggest some useful Stereotyp (this is not so important, it looks like the stereotypes from last export are saved)
  • support schema
    • Often I use the same object names in different schemas, for example: import.customer, staging.customer, datamart.customer
    • it looks like OpenXava supports schema https://www.openxava.org/OpenXavaDoc/docs/mapping_en.html @Table(name="CUST", schema="XAVATEST")
    • it should be possible (via option) to export also the schema (workaround: I could add it manually to each file after exporting)
    • it should be possible (via option) to export same named entities from different schemas => schema name should be contained in the exported file. I suggest including the schema name as prefix when this option is selected(no workaround)
  • export not only tables but also views. If it will be possible to export same named object from different schemas then maybe most of these exports are not required, but sometimes a view is required and then the code would be there. (no workaround)