
ERROR: The given register code or value was not found / main class de.mogwai.smartstart.SmartStart could not be found

Closed this issue · 4 comments

first one probably is a java isuue -- what to do?

second may be a localisation problem...

git clone https://github.com/mirkosertic/MogwaiERDesignerNG.git

FEHLER: Der angegebene Registrierungsschlüssel bzw. Wert wurde nicht gefunden.
Fehler: Hauptklasse de.mogwai.smartstart.SmartStart konnte nicht gefunden oder geladen werden

tried without run.bat:

D:\data\Programme\dev\MySQL\MogwaiERDesignerNG>java -Djava.library.path=.\java3d\win64 -cp .\lib\mogwai-smartstart-1.1.jar de.mogwai.smartstart.SmartStart de.erdesignerng.visual.ERDesigner lib
Fehler: Hauptklasse de.mogwai.smartstart.SmartStart konnte nicht gefunden oder geladen werden

Thank you for trying ERDesignerNG!
Did you compile the sources after you did the checkout? Without compilation, ERDesignerNG will not run.

Thank you for your kind reply.

No. How do I do that? I just did a git clone

Setting up a build environment is a non trivial task. Why don't you try one of the precompiled releases available at https://github.com/mirkosertic/MogwaiERDesignerNG/releases or just download ERDesignerNG from Microsoft Store?

Sorry, how could I have missed that? Thank you again.