
Setting a workspace as a homepage causes sidebar contents on mobile to disappear

Opened this issue · 10 comments


On the 3.0.2 release, setting a workspace as a homepage causes all contents (files, search, tags, starred, etc) to disappear from the sidebar. The vault name, number of files/folders, and settings button at the top of the sidebar are still visible, but the rest of the sidebar is blank.

This seems to happen on mobile only - the sidebars in the macOS app are normal.

I am guessing this might have been introduced in the fix for #47!

I am using the latest iOS release, but there is currently a post by someone who seems to be an Android user on the Obsidian forum which I suspect is related, although I'm still waiting to hear back from them to see if they're using Homepage.

Steps to reproduce

Select an existing workspace as the homepage in the plugin settings.

Reload Obsidian on mobile.

Open the sidebar.

Debug information

{"version":3,"homepages":{"Main Homepage":{"value":"Main Workspace","kind":"Workspace","openOnStartup":true,"hasRibbonIcon":true,"openMode":"Replace all open notes","manualOpenMode":"Keep open notes","view":"Default view","revertView":true,"refreshDataview":false,"autoCreate":true,"autoScroll":false,"pin":false,"commands":[]},"Mobile Homepage":{"value":"Main Workspace","kind":"Workspace","openOnStartup":true,"hasRibbonIcon":true,"openMode":"Replace all open notes","manualOpenMode":"Keep open notes","view":"Default view","revertView":true,"refreshDataview":false,"autoCreate":true,"autoScroll":false,"pin":false,"commands":[]}},"separateMobile":false,"_defaultViewMode":"default","_livePreview":true,"_focusNewTab":"default","_plugins":["homepage"],"_internalPlugins":["file-explorer","global-search","switcher","graph","backlink","canvas","outgoing-link","tag-pane","page-preview","templates","note-composer","command-palette","slash-command","editor-status","starred","markdown-importer","random-note","outline","word-count","slides","audio-recorder","workspaces","file-recovery","sync"],"_obsidianVersion":"1.1.16"}


  • I updated to the latest version of the plugin.

Others having the same issue. Just FYI: https://forum.obsidian.md/t/missing-sidebar-settings-on-mobile/58467/7 (edit: Just noticed @emmawinston specifically linked the thread already. derp. I'll leave this to avoid confusion, but it can be deleted.)

FWIW, I'm on Android having the issue.

I can replicate this. However, it also seems to occur for me when manually opening the workspace in mobile (without using Homepage, but with the built-in workspace manager). Does this occur for you guys as well?

Edit: after further testing, it appears that, at least for me, workspaces created on mobile don't show the sidebar in desktop and workspaces created in desktop don't show the sidebar in mobile.

Oh, hmm. Good catch. Yes, same behaviour here. Does that suggest it’s actually a core Obsidian issue instead of a Homepage one?

It would seem so, since AFAIK it still does that even with Homepage disabled.

Thanks for your attention to this - it's been reported on the forum now. Sorry for assuming it was the Homepage plugin!

No problem. In the meantime, a possible workaround would be setting a separate mobile homepage with a separate workspace.

Reopening since people keep running into this.

So homepage has a setting Separate mobile homepage. Am I misinterpreting this by thinking that setting this toggle would allow me to go into the homepage settings on mobile and change it to something other than workspace, and it not effect desktop? For example, desktop is set to workspace and mobile is set to nothing?

Ummm, so fiddling with the Separate mobile homepage toggle and default loading on both mobile and desktop, I was able to get a workspace loaded on desktop and nothing loaded on mobile, thus circumventing the external bug. But sadly I was not fully understanding what I was doing and now I don't want to touch it...

@kenbankspeng Basically, it makes the settings different on desktop and mobile. So one wouldn't affect the other.