
Cannot open notes which use Database folder or Kanban board plugins

Closed this issue · 7 comments


Hi, when I open notes from homepages, all notes work except for those ones which uses Kanban or DB Folder plugins.
When I click them, page flashes for a moment and then comes back to home.

Steps to reproduce

Create some DB Folder or Kanban notes, backlink them in home page, open them.

Debug information

Console doesn't print anything


  • I updated to the latest version of the plugin.

From my testing I can reproduce similar results (though in my case, the tab becomes empty) in the current 3.2.1 build but this should be fixed in 38e2f6b which will be incorporated in 3.3.

Thank you very much!

Hi @mirnovov , I've just updated to version 3.3 but I continue to see the same error.

Can you send me your debug info? This is available via a button at the bottom of Homepage's settings. Also, are they just normal links on your homepage, or ones generated by another plugin?

Btw, if you don't use the "Revert view" setting in Homepage, turning this off may work as an interim solution.

Hi! My links are normal links in an unordered list
These are debug info:
{"version":3,"homepages":{"Main Homepage":{"value":"Homepage","kind":"File","openOnStartup":true,"hasRibbonIcon":false,"openMode":"Keep open notes","manualOpenMode":"Keep open notes","view":"Reading view","revertView":true,"openWhenEmpty":true,"refreshDataview":true,"autoCreate":false,"autoScroll":false,"pin":false,"commands":[],"alwaysApply":false}},"separateMobile":false,"_defaultViewMode":"preview","_livePreview":"default","_focusNewTab":"default","_plugins":["recent-files-obsidian","obsidian-kanban","dbfolder","dataview","quickadd","obsidian-spaced-repetition","text-snippets-obsidian","obsidian-banners","homepage"],"_internalPlugins":["file-explorer","global-search","switcher","graph","backlink","canvas","outgoing-link","tag-pane","page-preview","templates","note-composer","command-palette","editor-status","bookmarks","outline","word-count","workspaces","file-recovery"],"_obsidianVersion":"1.3.5"}

Thanks, I've been able to reproduce this and will release a fix in the next version.

Hey @mirnovov I've tested it and it works now, thank you very much!