
When opening a pinned note with codeblocks, Homepage gets deleted whenever Obsidian is restarted

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Kenljs commented


My Homepage gets deleted whenever I close and reopen obisidan. I am adding buttons (using the buttons plugin) to perform simple actions like open recently edited files.

This happens 90% of the time if I create a homepage and close then open the app. I also have Homepage installed on my phone.

Steps to reproduce

No response

Debug information

{"version":3,"homepages":{"Main Homepage":{"value":"Home","kind":"File","openOnStartup":true,"openMode":"Replace all open notes","manualOpenMode":"Keep open notes","view":"Reading view","revertView":true,"openWhenEmpty":true,"refreshDataview":false,"autoCreate":true,"autoScroll":false,"pin":true,"commands":[],"alwaysApply":false}},"separateMobile":false,"_defaultViewMode":"default","_livePreview":true,"_focusNewTab":"default","_plugins":["readwise-official","obsidian-mind-map","note-refactor-obsidian","recent-files-obsidian","better-word-count","tag-wrangler","obsidian-underline","obsidian-style-settings","cm-typewriter-scroll-obsidian","obsidian-textgenerator-plugin","calendar","obsidian-toggle-list","remember-cursor-position","obsidian-smarter-md-hotkeys","obsidian-hider","cmdr","obsidian-excalidraw-plugin","obsidian-pandoc","obsidian-enhancing-export","hotkeysplus-obsidian","obsidian-hotkeys-for-specific-files","obsidian-advanced-slides","omnisearch","insert-unsplash-image","text-extractor","copy-as-html","obsidian-zotero-desktop-connector","obsidian-footnotes","buttons","homepage"],"_internalPlugins":["file-explorer","global-search","switcher","graph","backlink","canvas","outgoing-link","tag-pane","page-preview","daily-notes","templates","note-composer","command-palette","slash-command","bookmarks","outline","word-count","slides","workspaces","file-recovery"],"_obsidianVersion":"1.3.7"}


  • I updated to the latest version of the plugin.

Do you use iCloud or any other sync solution to sync your vault? I've tried to replicate your setup and can't reproduce it, but a past user has has a similar issue (#60).

I would like to report the same behavior.

I can now reproduce this by using the Buttons plugin and placing a button on the homepage. This is very odd, as that plugin shouldn't affect note creation, but I should hopefully be able to devise a fix.

I would like to report the same behavior.

@ckelley4212 are you using buttons as well?

Kenljs commented

Thank you! I just tried and it seems to be working now.
I didnt see your comment earlier. You probably dont need this information now, but I was using buttons as well. I also was using onedrive and the app OneSync to sync files between my phone and computer.
I am excited to use Homepage now. Thanks again.