
Possible bug: `Replace all open notes` does not work for non-.md files.

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Replace all open notes does not close non-.md files (e.g. .webp, .jpg). Furthermore, when such non-.md files are open, it's not the home page that will actually be the "currently active "tab".

Now, the option does read Replace all open **notes**, so that may be by design, in that case you can view this as a feature request. Although I would still consider it a bug that it's not the homepage that becomes the "currently active "tab".

Background information
My objective is to always start from a "untouched" state, e.g. default layout, only one file open and all folders collapsed. I am trying to achieve this using this plugin (in combination with "Collapse All").

Steps to reproduce

  1. Set Homepage to File: Home.
  2. Set Opening method to Replace all open notes.
  3. Open some random notes.
  4. Open some asset files (e.g. .jpg, .webp).
  5. Restart Obsidian.

The end result is that all notes are indeed closed, but the asset files are not. This might be by design, based on the wording. Furthermore, it's not the Home note that's actually the open "current" tab, it's one of those asset files.

Current workaround

  1. Set Homepage to File: Home.
  2. Set Opening method to Keep open notes.
  3. Add Close all other tabs to Commands.

Debug information

    "version": 3,
    "homepages": {
        "Main Homepage": {
            "value": "Home",
            "kind": "File",
            "openOnStartup": true,
            "openMode": "Replace all open notes",
            "manualOpenMode": "Keep open notes",
            "view": "Default view",
            "revertView": true,
            "openWhenEmpty": true,
            "refreshDataview": false,
            "autoCreate": false,
            "autoScroll": false,
            "pin": false,
            "commands": [],
            "alwaysApply": false,
            "hideReleaseNotes": false
    "separateMobile": false,
    "_defaultViewMode": "default",
    "_livePreview": "default",
    "_focusNewTab": "default",
    "_plugins": [
    "_internalPlugins": [
    "_obsidianVersion": "1.5.8"


  • I updated to the latest version of the plugin.