
Iframe available options

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Using the iframe so that the user drops into a preset room name would be useful. Currently it seems that one must include a username in such a preset url in the iframe, which isn't ideal. Any pointers or approach to how one does this is appreciated.
mahalo from Mauna Loa

Based of you needs, you can create 3 type of Iframes for a website:

  1. Set the Room and Username desired: https://c2c.mirotalk.com
    allow="camera; microphone; display-capture; fullscreen; clipboard-read; clipboard-write; autoplay"
    style="height: 100vh; width: 100vw; border: 0px;"
  1. Set the Username desired: https://c2c.mirotalk.com/?room=test
    allow="camera; microphone; display-capture; fullscreen; clipboard-read; clipboard-write; autoplay"
    style="height: 100vh; width: 100vw; border: 0px;"
  1. Direct Join: https://c2c.mirotalk.com/join?room=test&name=test
    allow="camera; microphone; display-capture; fullscreen; clipboard-read; clipboard-write; autoplay"
    style="height: 100vh; width: 100vw; border: 0px;"
<iframe allow="camera; microphone; fullscreen; display-capture; autoplay" src="https://c2c.mirotalk.com/?room=test" style="height: 100%; width: 100%; border: 0px;" ></iframe>

It seems that the above setting (and what is preferrable in my use case) does not allow for the client to load.
(whereas if some arbitrary user name is included ala 'Direct Join' it loads, but with that somewhat odd chosen name string.)

It seems that the above setting (and what is preferrable in my use case) does not allow for the client to load.

Here the user need to set a Username if not already done before (that is saved on localStorage), then click JOIN button to join the room (2), It's different then Direct Join (3) where you can change the src any time with the room and name desired from your website. You can handle iframes at will from your site's code...(iframe src are not static, the 3 mentioned above are examples of use). So if you need something different, adapt it for your needs.

if not already done before (that is saved on localStorage), then click JOIN button to join the room (2)

Indeed, I may need to get clear on my end, dev wise.
Not to belabor the issue (well to belabor it actually), the click JOIN, under (2) yields:
{"data":"404 not found"}

Make sure you entered the SRC correctly in the iframe.


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Thank you for understanding.