
iMPROVEMENT In app/src/Host.js

kronos667 opened this issue · 2 comments

Use ES6 Modules: Instead of using require, you can use ES6 modules to import the Logger class. This makes the code more modern and easier to read.


import Logger from './Logger';

Remove Unused Variable: Since you are not using the log variable in the Host class, you can remove it to avoid unnecessary overhead.

Validate Constructor Arguments: Ensure that the ip and authorized parameters passed to the constructor are valid and handle potential errors or edge cases.

Document Your Code: Add comments or JSDoc-style documentation to describe what each method and the class itself does. This will make it easier for other developers (and your future self) to understand the code.

Error Handling: Implement error handling for edge cases. For example, what happens if you try to delete an IP address that doesn't exist in the map? You should handle such cases gracefully.

Improve Variable Naming: Consider using more descriptive variable names. For instance, auth can be renamed to authorizedIPs to make its purpose clearer.

Hello @kronos667,

Would you be amenable to testing these modifications by initiating a pull request (PR), assuming that everything functions as anticipated? Your cooperation in this matter would be greatly appreciated. Additionally, please consider joining our official forum. We have a dedicated channel for ideas and suggestions where we can discuss with the community before opening issues here. Thank you for your participation!

Low priority tasks, will be improved later...