
A free to use dbt package for creating and loading Data Vault 2.0 compliant Data Warehouses (powered by dbt, an open source data engineering tool, registered trademark of Fishtown Analytics)

Primary LanguageTSQLApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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dbtvault by Datavault

Build your own Data Vault data warehouse! dbtvault is a free to use dbt package that generates & executes the ETL you need to run a Data Vault 2.0 Data Warehouse on a Snowflake database.

What does dbtvault offer?

  • productivity gains, fewer errors
  • multi-threaded execution of the generated SQL
  • your data modeller can generate most of the ETL code directly from their mapping metadata
  • your ETL developers can focus on the 5% of the SQL code that is different
  • dbt generates documentation and data flow diagrams

powered by dbt, a registered trademark of Fishtown Analytics

Worked example project

Learn quickly with our worked example:

Currently supported databases:


Add the following to your packages.yml


  - git: "https://github.com/Datavault-UK/dbtvault"
    revision: v0.5 # Latest stable version

And run dbt deps

Read more on package installation


  1. Create a model for your table.
  2. Provide metadata
  3. Call the appropriate template macro
{{- config(...)                                                           -}}

{{ dbtvault.hub(var('src_pk'), var('src_nk'), var('src_ldts'),
                var('src_source'), var('source'))                          }}

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Apache 2.0