
bug: 侧边栏跳转 path 中包含 '.' 的项结尾没有 '/'

Opened this issue · 3 comments

taoky commented

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

  • 我已确认这个问题没有在其他 issues中提出过。
    I am sure that this problem has NEVER been discussed in other issues.

发生了什么(What happened)

在侧边栏点击包括 "Rust crates.io 索引镜像" 等项时,URL 显示为:


但不包含 '.' 的项,如 "Alpine 软件仓库",URL 显示为:


如果结尾不为 '/',访问会出现 404。

期望的现象(What you expected to happen)

跳转至 "https://help.mirrorz.org/crates.io-index.git/"

如何重现此问题(How to reproduce it)

访问 https://help.mirrorz.org/https://help.mirrors.cernet.edu.cn/,访问左侧边栏中诸如 "Rust crates.io 索引镜像" "GDB Git" 等项,之后刷新页面。

操作系统(OS Version)


浏览器(如果适用)(Browser version, if applicable)

Firefox 117.0.1

其他环境(Other environments)


其他需要说明的事项(Anything else we need to know)


SukkaW commented

This is a known issue of Next.js:

taoky commented

This "bug" is introduced to Next.js 3 years ago: vercel/next.js#14681 and I don't think that they would like to "fix" it (as it may break some other websites). Maybe we could just add a slash manually in sidebar?

taoky commented

Reported to next.js as vercel/next.js#56090.