
I think 'break' is not breaking lists properly

prozacchiwawa opened this issue · 2 comments

Do I understand the operation of break correctly?
I think this demonstrates a bug in List.

-- Test --
testList : List(Int)
testList = nil 0 cons 1 cons 2 cons

testList 0 nat break dip(len? swap drop) len? swap drop == 0 nat 3 nat
testList 3 nat break dip(len? swap drop) len? swap drop == 3 nat 0 nat
testList 4 nat break dip(len? swap drop) len? swap drop == 3 nat 0 nat
testList 1 nat break dip(len? swap drop) len? swap drop == 1 nat 2 nat
ValueError: Assertion failed at line 7: input = [], LHS = [('_nat', 3) ('_nat', 0)], RHS = [('_nat', 1) ('_nat', 2)].
testList 2 nat break dip(len? swap drop) len? swap drop == 2 nat 1 nat

Definitely a bug! I'm taking a look.

Fixed now! The definition of n<= was wrong, which caused break to be wrong.

Thanks for finding this.