
External should not `pop_i64` when it receives a string argument.

typeswitch-dev opened this issue · 0 comments

From CapitalEx on the discord: the int64_t x0 = popi64() is wrong.

def-external(SDL_CreateWindow, Str Int Int Int Int SDL_WindowFlags -- SDL_Window*)
int64_t SDL_CreateWindow (int64_t, int64_t, int64_t, int64_t, int64_t, int64_t);
static void mext_SDLzuCreateWindow_0 (void) {
    int64_t x5 = pop_i64();
    int64_t x4 = pop_i64();
    int64_t x3 = pop_i64();
    int64_t x2 = pop_i64();
    int64_t x1 = pop_i64();
    int64_t x0 = pop_i64();
    push_i64(SDL_CreateWindow(x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5));