
Android library that helps developers choose the hour and minute intervals from customized dialog which is not possible with MaterialTimePicker.

Primary LanguageKotlin


TimeIntervalPicker is a library that helps developers choose the hour and minute intervals from customized dialog which is not possible with MaterialTimePicker.

screenshot" "

How to add to your project

First, add the JitPack repository to your project gradle file.

repositories {
  maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Then, add library to your build.gradle (app module).

implementation 'com.github.mirzemehdi:timeintervalpicker:1.0.0'


You can customize shown properties in the sample.

val timeIntervalPicker = TimeIntervalPicker.Builder()
            .setTitleText("Time Interval Picker")

timeIntervalPicker.addOnPositiveButtonClickListener {
            "hour:${timeIntervalPicker.hour}, " +
            "minute:${timeIntervalPicker.minute}, " +
            "timeStamp:${timeIntervalPicker.timeStampInMillis} "

//Show dialog
timeIntervalPicker.show(supportFragmentManager, "TimeIntervalPicker")