
[NOT MAINTAINED] Integrates PHP Highcharts into your Symfony2 application, which allows the programmatic creation of Highcharts

Primary LanguagePHP


This bundle is currently under development.

This bundle integrates PHP Highcharts into your Symfony2 application, which allows the programmatic creation of Highcharts.




  1. Add HighchartsBundle to your dependencies:

    // composer.json
       // ...
       "require": {
           // ...
           "misd/highcharts-bundle": "dev-master"
  2. Use Composer to download and install HighchartsBundle:

    $ php composer.phar update misd/highcharts-bundle
  3. Register the bundle in your application:

    // app/AppKernel.php
    class AppKernel extends Kernel
        // ...
        public function registerBundles()
            $bundles = array(
                // ...
                new Misd\HighchartsBundle\MisdHighchartsBundle()


Creating a chart

See the PHP Highcharts documentation for details on how to create a chart object.

Rendering a chart

Use the service:

$chart = $this->container->get('misd_highcharts.renderer')->render($chart);
$container = $this->container->get('misd_highcharts.renderer')->renderContainer($chart);

In a Twig template:

{{ highcharts_render(chart) }}
{{ highcharts_render_container(chart) }}

In a PHP template:

<?php echo $view['misd_highcharts.renderer']->render($chart); ?>
<?php echo $view['misd_highcharts.renderer']->renderContainer($chart); ?>

Reporting an issue or a feature request

Issues and feature requests are tracked in the Github issue tracker.