
It seems like uglify-js does not support es6?

PerterPon opened this issue · 11 comments

when I use generator, I got this error, will you support es6? Thank you.

Unexpected token operator «*»
avdg commented

It's still not in, but you can follow #448 if you want

As @avdg indicated, you can follow #448 for es6 support. Thanks!

kzc commented

This is the official uglify package for ES6/ES2015:


Can anybody(@phoenixeliot) tell why there is a downvote for @Piusha, the answer worked for me?
Is there any issue with the package, its mentioned in the webpack site itself !

I was facing issue with webpack.optimize.UglifyJsPlugin for a simple code 10 ** 5.

I got it working with uglifyjs-webpack-plugin .

kzc commented

Anyone can downvote anything on github. It doesn't mean their opinion is necessarily correct.

uglifyjs-webpack-plugin@1.x is an uglify-es wrapper library supported the webpack project. It appears to works fine for ES6+. Any questions for that plugin should be directed to https://github.com/webpack-contrib/uglifyjs-webpack-plugin

Simple to me: UglifyJS does not support ES6 anymore from 2.0 as per the release notes.

avdg commented

UglifyJS never supported es6 feature from master, all work on es6 and later was done on a separate branch or on separate projects.

In case anybody else is as confused as I was an hour ago:

  • uglify-js has never supported ES6
  • uglify-es supports ES6 but was abandoned
  • tercer is a fork of uglify-es that is under active development
  • uglifyjs-webpack-plugin went from using uglify-js (no ES6) under the hood, to uglify-es (yes ES6), back to uglify-js (no ES6), and now uses tercer (yes ES6).

If you, like me, ever manually made an instance of uglifyjs-webpack-plugin in your config (probably to specify non-default options), you briefly had ES6 support but it went away again through no fault of your own. Switch to tercer-webpack-plugin, rename uglifyOptions to tercerOptions, and everything will probably be fine.

@thw0rted For anyone else reading, it's terser. Thanks for the clarification @thw0rted

Well, hell. I must have been pretty burned out by the time I wrote that because I had it right in my notes, and of course "terser" is a clever play on words while "tercer" means nothing. I'm really impressed I managed to get it wrong like 5 times, consistently, in that one post. 🤷‍♂️