
select with having doesn't work with 3.1.0

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I'm upgrading from Ruby 1.9.3 Rails 3.2.22 will_paginate 3.0.3 to Ruby 2.1.8 Rails 4.2.6 will_paginate 3.1.0.

There is problem that WP skips selects when counting

  • /lib/will_paginate/active_record.rb:select_for_count().

Queries doesn't work with HAVING clausule using something from select, as example below:

"SELECT user_perms.id AS up_id, group_perms.id AS gp_id, intranet_meetings.id AS meeting_id, user_perms.show_in_list AS up_show_in_list, group_perms.show_in_list AS gp_show_in_list, user_perms.show_detail AS up_show_detail, .... FROMintranet_meetings... HAVING ((up_id IS NOT NULL and 1 = 1 AND up_show_in_list = 1) OR (up_id IS NULL AND gp_id IS NOT NULL and 1 = 1 AND gp_show_in_list = 1))"

It seems that this method is new in version 3.1.0 and it seems like a bug..

My solution:
I added total entries to paginate() method and monkey patch this method:

module WillPaginate
module ActiveRecord
module RelationMethods

  def count(*args)
    if limit_value
      return total_entries unless total_entries.blank?
      excluded = [:order, :limit, :offset, :reorder]
      excluded << :includes unless eager_loading?
      rel = self.except(*excluded)
      column_name = (select_for_count(rel) || :all)


henvo commented

I'm encountering the same problem using Rails 4.2.5 and will_paginate 3.1.0.

My query essentially looks like this:

SELECT  *, (
            6365 * acos (
            cos ( radians( 15.12312 ) )
            * cos( radians( lat ) )
            * cos( radians( lon ) - radians( 20.12312) )
            + sin ( radians( 15.12312 ) )
            * sin( radians( lat ) )
          ) AS distance FROM `location` HAVING distance < 10 

Will paginate creates the query:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM 'location' HAVING distance < 10

This results in the mysql error:
Mysql2::Error: Unknown column 'distance' in 'having clause'

I will have a look at @slemrmartin fix - but still this bug makes will_paginate useless for any query with user defined variables in the SELECT part.

It's not perfect solution, but is working for you too.

call count() separately before (without paginate) and then call paginate.
there is excerpt from my code:

arel = SomeModel.where('')
mysql_count = arel.klass.find_by_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_all FROM (" + arel.selection(...).to_sql + ") count")

arel.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 20, :total_entries => mysql_count.first[:count_all])

@slemrmartin That's indeed the reason why :total_entries was added as parameter. Will_paginate can't always successfully construct the correct COUNT query. Sometimes it needs to be manually constructed.

It's not perfect solution, but is working for you too.

call count() separately before (without paginate) and then call paginate.
there is excerpt from my code:

arel = SomeModel.where('')
mysql_count = arel.klass.find_by_sql("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_all FROM (" + arel.selection(...).to_sql + ") count")

arel.paginate(:page => params[:page], :per_page => 20, :total_entries => mysql_count.first[:count_all])

You saved my day! Thanks!