
ActionController::UnfilteredParameters - unable to convert unpermitted parameters to hash

aniketstiwari opened this issue · 2 comments

I am getting this error

Error: ActionController::UnfilteredParameters - unable to convert unpermitted parameters to hash

Issue On my this line
<%= will_paginate @users, url: request.path, renderer: FoundationPagination::Rails %>

When I try to debug the will_paginate method inside will_paginate/view_helpers.rb

 def will_paginate(collection, options = {})
      # early exit if there is nothing to render
      return nil unless collection.total_pages > 1
      options = WillPaginate::ViewHelpers.pagination_options.merge(options)
      options[:previous_label] ||= will_paginate_translate(:previous_label) { '&#8592; Previous' }
      options[:next_label]     ||= will_paginate_translate(:next_label) { 'Next &#8594;' }
      # get the renderer instance
      renderer = case options[:renderer]
      when nil
        raise ArgumentError, ":renderer not specified"
      when String
        klass = if options[:renderer].respond_to? :constantize then options[:renderer].constantize
          else Object.const_get(options[:renderer]) # poor man's constantize
      when Class then options[:renderer].new
      else options[:renderer]
      # render HTML for pagination
      renderer.prepare collection, options, self
      output = renderer.to_html
      output = output.html_safe if output.respond_to?(:html_safe)

output = renderer.to_html # this line is causing the issue

so when I check the renderer

     :groupings=>[<ActionController::Parameters {"user_name_count"=>"Innovatio"} permitted: false>]},

So I believe instead of ActionController::Parameters in groupings it should be a hash but not sure. Can anyone help me out with it

I started having this problem too: after an upgrade to rails 5.1.7, while running will_paginate v3.0.12.

This SO post says the problem seems fixed in more recent versions of will_paginate; it mentions 3.17, which I take to mean 3.1.7. I upgraded to 3.2.1, and it does seem to have fixed the problem for me.

Thanks; will assume that this was fixed. Please holler if that is not the case!