
current_page returns a string in 3.2

amirmujkic opened this issue · 4 comments


It seems that in the latest version of will_paginate the current_page was changed to a string.
Now it's

{"current_page"=>"1", "per_page"=>30, "total_entries"=>2, "total_pages"=>1}

instead of:

{"current_page"=>1, "per_page"=>30, "total_entries"=>2, "total_pages"=>1}

Perhaps someone can take a look at it

Thank you for reporting! Can you show us the code that generates the hash that you displayed that includes the "current_page" key?

This could be related to #602

Here is mine.

This is my json api return,

render json: @listings.order('created_at DESC'),
               include: '**',
               each_serializer: ListingIndexSerializer,
               meta: pagination(@listings)

and this is my helper method:

def pagination(collection)
      current_page: collection.current_page,
      next_page: collection.next_page,
      previous_page: collection.previous_page,
      total_pages: collection.total_pages,
      total_entries: collection.total_entries

3.2 returns string but 3.1.x returns integer for current_page.

Please try https://github.com/mislav/will_paginate/releases/tag/v3.2.1

and if that doesn't work:

 def pagination(collection)
-      current_page: collection.current_page,
+      current_page: collection.current_page.to_i,
       # ...

@mislav Sorry for the late reply, and thanks a lot for the quick fix!!! 🍻

I was using it in a very similar way as above

current_page: @paginated.current_page # @paginated is a `WillPaginate::Collection`

with the latest active_model_serializers and json_api adapter