

AwesomeDong opened this issue · 9 comments


I hope you have the knowledge of the difference between POST/GET requests before using this project. Otherwise, I think you may not be suitable for using this project.


作为api使用,访问 报错404

Obviously, I don't see any "404" characters appearing in your screenshot. Also, if the way you raise an issue is just a screenshot, then I may block you because you waste my time.

I can't know what your request parameters are just from a screenshot. I'm not a fortune teller.


I believe this is not your first time using GitHub. I am happy to help anyone solve problems, but before raising an issue, you need to ensure two things: first, make sure the problem really exists, and second, make sure you describe the problem clearly.

However, you have not done either of these two things. In the title of this issue, you mentioned a 404 error. Obviously, you directly requested this link using a browser, but you may not know that the browser's request is a GET request, and this API does not support GET requests.

Later, you posted a screenshot showing a 500 Status Code, which I believe is the error returned during the testing of the One API you mentioned.

In summary, you clarified the problem through three submissions. From the first time you posted this issue to the last time you described it clearly, it took about 25 minutes. This is our communication cost. In my opinion, these 25 minutes are very important to me because I need to wait for your reply each time to further locate the problem. Besides, 25 minutes may not mean much to you. But please remember, I am not maintaining just one project, and the issues I need to reply to are not just one. This is an open-source project, and I do not charge you any fees. You are simply enjoying the fruits of my labor for free.

I think if one day you have the opportunity to maintain an open-source project, you will understand what I am saying today. Of course, you can choose to use other people's projects; that is your freedom. I just hope you can use the GitHub platform well. @AwesomeDong



Come on, aufer!






