setUint receives empty string for fragmentation in some cases
teselkin opened this issue · 2 comments
teselkin commented
In some cases zpool reterns '-' in 'fragmentation' field
$ sudo zpool get -p name,health,dedupratio,fragmentation rpool
rpool name rpool -
rpool health ONLINE -
rpool dedupratio 1.00x -
rpool fragmentation - -
parseLine doesn't check if there is trainling '%' in the string before removing it, and this leads to empty string passed to setUint
This leads to broken output of docker info
$ docker info
Storage Driver: zfs
Zpool: error while getting pool information strconv.ParseUint: parsing "": invalid syntax
Zpool Health: not available
mmlb commented
Thanks teselkin, I'll be taking a look at this to figure out if/when this behavior changed.
mmlb commented
No longer an issue and there are now tests to make sure it doesn't come back to bite.