
Big Ten Two-Zone Homogenized Benchmark IEU-MET-FAST-007

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In MCNP the microbody RCC is used. What is the conversion of OpenMC surface? Thanks.

Big Ten Two-Zone Homogenized Benchmark IEU-MET-FAST-007 ENDF/B-VI
1 1 4.806192e-02 -1 $ Central Core
2 2 4.777901e-02 1 -2 $ Reflector
3 0 2

1 rcc 0.0 0.0 -28.8169 0.0 0.0 57.6338 26.67 $ Core
2 rcc 0.0 0.0 -48.2600 0.0 0.0 96.5200 41.91 $ Reflector

What should be the geometry.xml for OpenMC this? Thanks.

The RCC macrobody is just a finite cylinder, The particular example you have here could be done with a z-cylinder and two z-planes, so something like:

<surface id="1" type="z-cylinder" coeffs="0. 0. 26.67" />
<surface id="2" type="z-plane" coeffs="-28.8169" />
<surface id="3" type="z-plane" coeffs="28.8160" />
<cell id="1" region="-1 2 -3" ... />

Hello, I make the changes accordingly

<cell id="1" material="1" region="-1 3 -4" /> <!-- Central Core -->
<cell id="2" material="2" region=" -2  5 -6 1 -3 4" /> <!-- Reflector -->

<surface id="1" type="z-cylinder" coeffs="0. 0. 26.67" />
<surface id="2" type="z-cylinder" coeffs="0. 0. 41.91" boundary="vacuum" />
<surface id="3" type="z-plane" coeffs="-28.8169" />
<surface id="4" type="z-plane" coeffs="28.8169" />
<surface id="5" type="z-plane" coeffs="-48.2600" />
<surface id="6" type="z-plane" coeffs="48.2600" />

But now I get ERROR: Maximum number of lost particles has been reached when my settings.xml is

<!-- Parameters for k-eigenvalue calculation -->

<!-- Starting source -->
    <space type="box" parameters="-1  -1  -1  1  1  1" />

Also my material file is

<!-- Depleted Uranium -->
<material id="2">
    <density units="sum" />
    <nuclide name="U234" ao="2.8672e-07" />
    <nuclide name="U235" ao="1.0058e-04" />
    <nuclide name="U236" ao="1.1468e-06" />
    <nuclide name="U238" ao="4.7677e-02" />

either way, I put boundary for surface 2 to "reflective" or "vacuum" the same result. Thanks.

You need to have boundary conditions on the top and bottom z-planes as well. Otherwise particles reach them and can't find anything on the other side (hence they are lost).

By the way, this repository is not a great place to ask these kinds of questions. I'd encourage to send questions like this to the OpenMC user's group mailing list instead.

Thank you Paul Romano for your guide. Thanks for giving me the group mailing list. I also work on developer support for a company, and I know this is irritating. I am on my master's degree in Nuclear engineering. I find your repository greatly helpful. Thank you, bro.