
Failed to set up after updating HA to 2024.9.1

markbw999 opened this issue · 3 comments

I got back from holiday a couple of days ago with lots of pending updates in HA. Our car was at home and had gone offline while we where away but your integration was still showing the last values it had received from the VW api. However, once I updated HA to 2024.9.1 your VW integration shows "Failed to set up" and all the entities are unavailable. I have tried reloading the integration a couple of times and rebooting HA but it doesn't make any difference. Is there a compatibility issue with the latest version of HA?

I'm seeing the same after upgrading to HA 2024.9.1. The error I'm seeing in the debug log is as below

weconnect.errors.APICompatibilityError: No user id provided. A possible reason is that you have to reconfirm the terms and conditions.

Ah, this previous post on an issue in this repo regarding the same problem solved it for me, logging onto there were some T&C's to accept. Reloading after that fixed it.

Thank you so much! That's fixed it.