
Clicking window back to focus places an unwanted pixel

sanj0 opened this issue · 1 comments

sanj0 commented

When Slate is not in focus and I click it to refocus the window, a pixel is being placed, as if the window was focused before.

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open Slate
  2. Focus a different window
  3. Click into the canvas area of the (unfocused) Slate window as to refocus it
  4. notice how an accidental pixel it being placed

I would expect it to only refocus the windows, without actually taking my click as artistic input, as in most cases, I merely click at a random spot on the canvas to refocus, thus placing an unwanted pixel which I have to control+z.

  • OS: macOS Big Sur 11.5 Beta
  • Slate Version: v0.9.0

Screenshot 2021-08-23 at 13 59 37

Good point... this has bothered me too, without even being aware of it.