GCE: instructions for generating client secrets are no longer accurate
dmerrick opened this issue · 7 comments
This isn't directly related to the Packer project in terms of code, but it is related to the documentation.
On the Google Compute Engine page, it outlines how to go about generating a client secrets JSON file and a client private key.
On step 4, it says to 'Click "Registered apps" in the left sidebar', but on my page that link is missing. I do not know if this is because the documentation is incorrect or out of date, or if there is something different about my GCE account.
Either way, updated documentation or an alternative way to generate the certificate would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Apparently this person is also experiencing the same issue:
Alright it seems like Google changed the way they do this part of the process. The "Registered apps" section has been removed, and instead we are to use service accounts.
The instructions in the documentation should look like this:
- Log into the Google Cloud Console
- Click on the project you want to use Packer with (or create one if you don't have one yet).
- Click "APIs & auth" in the left sidebar
- Click "Credentials" in the left sidebar
- Click "Create New Client ID" and choose "Service Account."
- A private key will be downloaded for you. Note the password for the private key! This private key is your client private key.
- After creating the account, click "Download JSON". This is your client secrets JSON file. Make sure you didn't download the JSON from the "OAuth 2.0" section! This is a common mistake and will cause the builder to not work.
@mitchellh I'm now realizing perhaps I shouldn't have closed this.
Will you please update the GCE documentation so other people don't get stuck like I did?
Thank you!
@dmerrick Hey, ya these new instructions are helpful. Do you want to try your hand at a pull request against the documentation? It's in this repo in the website/
If not, I'm sure someone will be able to fix it...I'll rename the issue to make it clearer.
This was really helpful to me - I notice that it's been closed and merged, but it's not on the site yet. I know you've got lots to do - anyway I can help?
I'm glad it was helpful!
I presume the online docs will be updated when the next Packer version is released. Hopefully soon, cause I imagine lots of people are getting stuck at this point in the docs.