

gauravsharmaa3 opened this issue · 4 comments

Domains or links
Please list any domains and links listed here which you believe are a false positive.
Domain name:

More Information
How did you discover your web site or domain was listed here?

  1. Website was hacked
  2. Incorrectly marked as Phishing on Phishtank or OpenPhish?

Answer: Incorrectly marked as Phishing on google page and Phishtank or OpenPhish.

Have you requested removal from other sources?
Please include all relevant links to your existing removals / whitelistings.

Answer: We have scanned the system with imunify360 and found nothing suspicious although we have removed some unwanted files from it.

Additional context
Add any other context about the problem here.

We understand being listed on a Phishing Database like this can be frustrating and embarrassing for many web site owners. The first step is to remain calm. The second step is to rest assured one of our maintainers will address your issue as soon as possible. Please make sure you have provided as much information as possible to help speed up the process.

Send a Pull Request for faster removal
Users who understand github and creating Pull Requests can assist us with faster removals by sending a PR to mitchellkrogza/phishing repository, on the falsepositive.list file
Please include the same above information to help speed up the whitelisting process.

Domain name:

Issue template isn't fulfilled, should be closed as invalid.

The same goes for mitchellkrogza/phishing#411 and Ultimate-Hosts-Blacklist/whitelist#211

You don't show as being listed by us but you are by numerous others


Incorrectly marked as Phishing on google page and Phishtank or OpenPhish. shows the scan from OpenPhish, so it was correctly labeled but has since been remediated, according to you. - Website scanner for suspicious and malicious URLs