
TypeError: issubclass() arg 1 must be a class

BenisonSam opened this issue · 3 comments


Following is my code:

from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional

from pydantic import Field, conint
from sparkdantic import SparkModel

class FooBar(SparkModel):
    count: int = Field(..., title='Count')
    size: Optional[float] = Field(None, title='Size')

class Gender(str, Enum):
    male = 'male'
    female = 'female'
    other = 'other'
    not_given = 'not_given'

class Main(SparkModel):
    foo_bar: FooBar
    Gender: Optional[Gender]
    snap: Optional[conint(lt=50, gt=30)] = Field(
        42, description='this is the value of snap', title='The Snap'


When I execute it, I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 27, in <module>
  File "\env\lib\site-packages\sparkdantic\", line 241, in model_spark_schema
    t, nullable = cls._type_to_spark(v.annotation)
  File "\env\lib\site-packages\sparkdantic\", line 355, in _type_to_spark
    if issubclass(t, Enum):
TypeError: issubclass() arg 1 must be a class

Is there something that I am missing or doing wrong? I am not able to debug or fix this issue.

Further analysis shows that this error occurs for typing.Optional. Could you please confirm and suggest a work around?

Hi there, its actually happening because you're using conint. I'll work on fixing this. One thing to note though, I will add better support for the Annotated type as opposed to pydantics implementation of conint since they discourage people from using it anyway. See here for the warning they have in their code base.

Will add support for this type of implementation

class Foo(SparkModel):
    bar: Annotated[int, Field(strict=True, gt=0)]