
Unable to write Ampersand symbol (&)

abdusali1234 opened this issue · 1 comments

I have the following code:

  ~ degree, ~ uni, ~ loc, ~ dates, ~ details,
  "MEng Chemical Engineering", "My uni", "London, United Kingdom", "Sept. 2019 - Present", 
  list("Relevant modules: Data Mining & Analysis , Mathematical Modelling & Analysis I and II, and Stochastic Uncertainty & Analysis ."
  "A Levels and GCSEs", "My secondary", "London, United Kingdom", "Sept. 2012 - Jun. 2019",
  list("A levels: Biology (A), Chemistry (A), and Mathematics (A)",
       "GCSEs: 8 A*-B subjects, English Language (8), English Literature (9), Mathematics (9)")
  detailed_entries(degree, dates, uni, loc, details)

When I knit my file I get the following error:

! Missing } inserted.
<inserted text> 
l.129 \end{cvitems}}

Error: LaTeX failed to compile CV_04_10_22.tex. See for debugging tips. See CV_04_10_22.log for more info.
Execution halted

When I remove the & symbols the file knits. I have no issue with removing these symbols from the education section of my CV, but one of the companies I have worked for has an ampersand in their name. Is there any way I could include the ampersand symbol in my CV?

All I had to do was type $\\&$ and it works! Apologies for wasting anyones time. I would also like to add that the & symbols do will appear outside of the list without having to type $\\&$.

Thank you for sharing such a wonderful resource!