
By passing code not working

trilok490 opened this issue · 1 comments

I am trying to bypass the action method but the framework isn't working properly, it is not bypassing the trigger action using metadatahandler.bypass, & also not bypassing the whole object when added tour code of triggerbase.bypass.

Can you please check and feedback.

I am following the same examples you have mentioned.

public class TA_Opportunity_StageInsertRules implements TriggerAction.BeforeInsert {

private static final String PROSPECTING = 'Prospecting';
private static final String INVALID_STAGE_INSERT_ERROR = 'The Stage must be \'Prospecting\' when an Opportunity is created';

public void beforeInsert(List<Opportunity> newList){
    for (Opportunity opp : newList) {
        if (opp.StageName != PROSPECTING) {


Transactional bypasses prevent future instantiation within the transaction.
You cannot bypass from within the action or trigger you are trying to bypass - once they are instantiated they will be executed.

public class TA_Opportunity_Demo implements TriggerAction.AfterInsert {
  public void afterInsert(List<Opportunity> newList){
    // will only bypass future Opportunity triggers within the transaction, but won't do anything for the current trigger.
    // will only bypass future `TA_Opportunity_Demo` actions within the transaction, but won't do anything for the current action.

    throw new IllegalArgumentException('not allowed');

Documentation for transactional bypasses is available here in the README