
Not able to comment violation on First Line when modified

Closed this issue · 8 comments

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Update any exisiting Apex class name, which is already in master eg May be from Example to example
  2. Run npx sfdx scanner:run --target "force-app/main/default/classes/Example2.cls" --json from local which will give violations

{ "line": 1, "column": 27, "endLine": 6, "endColumn": 1, "severity": 1, "ruleName": "ClassNamingConventions", "category": "Code Style", "url": "", "message": "\nThe class name 'example2' doesn't match '[A-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*'\n" }

  1. Check-in code, raise PR - PR is passed without violation

PR Action config used
uses: mitchspano/sfdx-scan-pull-request@v0.1.16 with: report-mode: comments severity-threshold: 3

But it is catching up in newly created apex class

This is to be expected. The way that the scan works is by filtering the findings to only lines which are modified in the pull request. For a simple rename, the scan should not result in publication of findings.

The GitHub REST API actually restricts our ability to create a comment on a line which is not modified.

But rename happened in same Pull request

If line 1 was not modified, then the scan will not produce a comment on that line

Yes it was modified.

public with sharing class Example2 {
public Example2() {
Integer i = 0;

Developer Updated to

public with sharing class example2 { --> Updated class name, so line 1 modified
public Example2() {
Integer i = 0;

Updated Comment:
Nothing else was modified.
If modifying other lines, then it is making comment for line1 as well

Ahh okay I understand now. I thought you were just modifying the file name. I'll take a look at this over the weekend

Perfect ! Let me know any other info needed, in b/w great library upgrading CI/CD for my org, using it for better code quality, and first scan even before review :)

Oh I see what's going on. The only line which was modified is line 1, but if you check the finding, it is from line 1-6.

In this action, we check for complete coverage before reporting a finding. This means that every single line that is within the finding must be modified for it to be reported as a comment. We do this because this guarantees that the GitHub rest API will not fail should a comment attempt to be reported, but because lines 2 through 6 are not part of the pull request, this will result in a rest API call out failure should we attempt to make a comment on it.

We can give a try, I can rerun that same usecase to check !