
Bugs in landscape mode

giaur500 opened this issue · 6 comments

I unlocked landscape mode and it works incorrectly in landscape mode:

  • drawer opens itself on orientation change to landscape
  • unable to click anything on screen - on any click, drawer opens itself

How to use it with landscape mode?

Hey @giaur500 , I am interested in doing this can you please elaborate :)

Hey @giaur500 , can you please help 👍

How can I help? You can try, enable rotation in this sample, rotate phone and see what happens. Drawer will open itself after screen rotates

this dome UI is for only portrait mode.

if landscape mode is not really needed.... You can define the DeviceOrientations that you wants as so:
Inside your build method, and just before the return SystemChrome.setPreferredOrientations([DeviceOrientation.portraitUp]);
By doing so, your device will behave as same as in landscape mode as in protrait

Actually, landscape mode is always needed. Why not?