
optparse-applicative dependency needs a version constraint

Quix0r opened this issue · 2 comments

Building the main program fails:

[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( app/KeyTool.hs, dist/build/ssh-key-generator/ssh-key-generator-tmp/Main.o )

Module Options.Applicative' does not exporteitherReader'

Module Options.Applicative' does not exportReadM'

It seems like you have a version of optparse-applicative which is too old; my .cabal file does not specify any version bound, so correcting this should solve your problem, but I'm not actually sure in what version eitherReader and ReadM were first exported.

Could you check which version of optparse-applicative you have? If you are using a cabal sandbox as suggested by the README, you can paste the output of cabal sandbox hc-pkg list optparse-applicative; otherwise if you're not using a sandbox, ghc-pkg list optparse-applicative is what you want.

Okay, in the meanwhile, I tracked down the correct version, so this should be fixed. Could you try again? It'll probably be easiest to just run cabal sandbox delete before starting again.